Saturday 22 September 2012

Mum's 80th

I just can't believe Mum is still with us, and doing so very well. She is an amazingly courageous and strong woman who remains sweet and kind through all of her life's experiences. Four years ago she should have left us when she had a double anuerism - who survives one? but two? It is a story hard for me to repeat because it was such a horrible, broken hearted time for me as it was the news of the death of my 22 year old daughter that seemed to trigger the anuerisms.....I was desolate and beyond bereft with the loss of Emily, and when the news that Mum might not make it...If not for a few beautiful earthlings and many angels carrying me and my mother on their wings she and I would not be here to celebrate this beautiful day.. September 1, 2012.

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